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Harris, Lyall F.: Home

Artists' Books
Lyall F. Harris
Art Library Rare Books Collection N 7433.4 .H369 I58 2011 box 4.2

"Interior Landscape began as a response to Sylvia Plath's journal entries on the subjects of writing and motherhood. As an artist-mother myself, I have been looking at the inherent difficulties in this dual role, or, rather, in striving for excellence as both of these things - artist and mother - contemporaneously. Interior Landscape grew to encompass not just Plath's story, but artist-mothers everywhere who seek to accomplish but who wrestle with myriad infringements on their thinking and doing." — Artist's statement.

Lyall F. Harris
Art Library Rare Books Collection N 7433.4 .H369 S57 2018 box 23.1

"Artist Statement: 'What happened, reader, where you are? What happens there today? asks the artists' book Site. Inspired by her discovery of a slave auction block on the first morning in her new town of Charlottesville, VA, Lyall Harris grapples with US history in a project where content is revealed and supported through its material components. With assistance from papermaker Dieu Donné, Harris created a watermark broadside, the key component of an artists' book that both points to the past and brings the reader into an awareness of present.'" — Vamp & Tramp, Booksellers website.