One-of-a-kind. In a portfolio box made by sculptor Kevin Titzer. Signed and dated January 1, 2005 by the artist. Each photograph is titled and dated."… a photo journal, capturing each day in one photograph. The final 365 photographs represent where Friedman was that day, physically and mentally. The photographs were taken with a Cannon digital camera, printed on Epson matte paper with an Epson printer."—Artist's description.
One-of-a-kind. Created from an old book; spine and back cover intact; pages torn, some painted, and small handwritten pieces glued to some pages; secured with twine and mother-of-pearl button. Part of an exhibition of the artist's works held at the Hardscuffle Gallery, Louisville, Ky., March 11, 2012.
" Destroying books has traditionally been seen as a brutal, almost inhumane, act. Is it possible that instead, book destruction can be turned into beautiful and inspiring works of art?" Julius Friedman
Limited edition of 20 copies, the Art Library has copy 5. "The composition and printing were by Leslie Shane and Gray Zeitz at Larkspur Press, binding by Carolyn Whitesel. Exposed spine binding: signatures handsewn with waxed linen thread around black tape. Covers: black Japanese book cloth over boards with attached metal plates. (Aluminum photographic title and copper images created by Julius Friedman.)"—Colophon. Photographic print inserted in book. In wooden box handmade in cherry by John Reeb (33 x 26 x 9 cm.).
Flip book of the building of the Humana Building in downtown Louisville, Ky.