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Barkus, Mariona: Home

Artists' Books

Mariona Barkus

Mariona Barkus
Art Library Rare Books Collection N7433.4 .B357 A45 1984 box 1.2 env. 2

This "fictional family history" unfolds so that three pages are always on display. The opening page of six postage stamp sized photographs remains constant throughout the telling of tales. The stories are juxtaposed with these postage stamp sized snapshots. The stories explore what Barkus calls the "archetypal women within me."

Mariona Barkus: "These are stories my mother told me as I tried to define what I was supposed to grow up to be - a WOMAN. Now, I search for the sources of my strengths and weaknesses. An odd mixture of gumption and acquiescence."

Mariona Barkus
Art Library Rare Books Collection - N 7433.4 .B357 A46 1982