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Bridwell|Art Library

Faculty Guide to the Art Library: Course Reserves

Use this guide to learn about the Art Library and discover resources related to art history, studio art, and design.

Course Reserves

The Art Library can place texts on reserve for your classes. These items are in-library use only and may not be checked out. Journals, reference materials, or rare books will not be placed on reserve. 

The Art Library will scan articles, book chapters, etc. (no more than 10% of the total work due to copyright restrictions) for faculty to make available electronically to students through Blackboard. For assistance with Blackboard, visit the Delphi Center

To place a course reserves request: email with your course name and number and a list of the items you would like on reserve. Please specify the title, author, date, and other publication information. 

The turnaround time for course reserves is one week so please plan accordingly. Allow additional time for books that are currently checked out.

Questions? Contact the Art Library at or call 502-852-6741. 

Fair Use and Copyright

Before requesting materials for reserve, please read the Fair Use Law and Fair Use Explanation published by the United States Copyright Office linked below.

For your convenience, a checklist has also been appended that will help you determine whether or not your selection is likely allowable under copyright law.