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Reference and Research Assistance: Home

Get help with your research from one of our archivists.

Reference Service

Archives and Special Collections is happy to answer reference questions. You may send us reference questions via the reference form, email us directly, or call us (502-852-6752). We try to respond promptly to email inquiries and the Archives email account is checked daily. 

What's Available Online?

In addition, some materials are available online through our Digital Collections and Oral History Center. Ekstrom Library’s Research Assistance and Instruction department’s “Finding Primary Sources” page may also be helpful in pointing you to databases available through the University of Louisville

Research Assistance

While the Archives and Special Collections staff is pleased to answer reference questions, human resource constraints limit the amount of time we can give to responding to an individual researcher's inquiries. We may advise researchers to either come to ASC in person in order to conduct their own research, or to hire a researcher who works in the Louisville area. We have a list of local independent researchers who may be hired to perform research for remote users for a fee. Users may make arrangements with these researchers directly.

How to "Do" Archival Research

Archives and Special Collections has developed a series of videos to help you find your way if new to archival research, or if you just have questions about Archives and Special Collections and how best to find and access our collections. 

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