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Louisville and the Second World War: Oral Histories

Oral Histories Relating to World War II

"Experience of War: Reflections on U.S. Wars of the 20th Century, 1918-1975,"
Includes several interviews with World War II veterans about their experiences. NOTE: Many of the oral histories have restrictions on use.

  • Maurice Brown, Jr., discusses his recollections of the war, concentrating on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. (60 minutes)
  • William Brunsman, a former lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division talks about his war experiences. (75 minutes)
  • General Bruce C. Clarke (retired) discusses the Battle of St. Vith and the subjects of commandership versus leadership. (180 minutes)
  • Charles Cochran, former sergeant of a rifle platoon talks about his war experiences. (60 minutes)
  • Howard Denhard, former sergeant in a heavy weapons company, talks about his war experiences. (25 minutes)
  • Edward Detrick, an Army Air Corps pilot, stationed in Burma from 1944-1946, whose job was to airdrop supplies to soldiers building the Ledo Road.
  • Jack Distler was an Army Air Corps pilot from 1944-1945 who airlifted supplies over the Himalayas from American bases in India to American bases in China. (30 minutes)
  • Charles W. Gray talks of his experiences with the 100th Division during World War II and Korea. (240 minutes)
  • Louis Y. Langford describes experiences in the Kentucky Air National Guard from 1939-1945 as well as coal strikes. (60 minutes)
  • Arch Lewis tells of his experiences in the 101st Airborne Division and as a prisoner of war. (30 minutes)
  • Edmund McGill tells of his combat experiences. (210 minutes)
  • Robert B. Neely talks of experiences and impressions of the African and Italian campaigns and also of the Korean War. (120 minutes)
  • Charles Redmon discusses his memories of the Victory Park neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky during World War II and the Victory News, a local newsletter produced during that era for servicemen away from home. (? Minutes)
  • Jack B. Richmond discusses his personal history, including his experiences in the military during the war. (120 minutes)
  • Hudson B. Rinehart, a former lieutenant, talks of his war experiences. (75 minutes)
  • Robert N. Schultz covers several areas including Fort Knox, Kentucky; Ireland; North Africa; and Italy. (80 minutes)
  • Rolland L. Soule, a University of Louisville professor, talks of his experiences in the Pacific theater. (70 minutes)
  • J. Stappler talks of his submarine experiences (120 minutes)
  • Robert W. Steiger discusses the war and general observations on American life from the 1930s to the 1960s. (180 minutes)
  • Asa I. Williams discusses recollections of World War II and the Korean War. (60 minutes)

World War II Working Women
Interviews with 10 women who worked during World War II at Curtiss-Wright, DuPont, Reynolds, Carbide Carbon, Beatty-Cummins, and Bowman Field. The women discuss the conditions of employment, including treatment by male co-workers and bosses as well as salaries and union participation. The interviewer also asks about the extent to which the workplaces were integrated, and about race relations. They also talk about the work they did, and the training they received. Their attitudes toward work are also explored, as are their opinions on the influence that women's experiences working during the War had on subsequent female participation in the work force. These interviews are available without restrictions; seven have been transcribed.

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