For other titles not included in this list, please contact Archives and Special Collections. Not all issues of all titles are available.
- Art & Understanding
- After Dark
- Bay Area Reporter
- The Body Politic
- Chicago Magazine
- Christopher Street
- Common Lives/Lesbian Lives
- Cybersocket
- Dare /Query
- Drum (Philadelphia, PA)
- Echo (Phoenix, AZ)
- Entiendes
- Equality
- Fizeek Art Quarterly
- Forward Observer
- The Frontiers News Magazine
- Forward Observer
- Gala Review
- Gay Community News
- Gay People’s Chronicle
- Gaybeat
- Genre
- Great Lakes District Heartbeat (Louisville, KY)
- The Guide
- The James White Review
- Keeping in Touch (Los Angeles, CA)
- Kentucky Now
- KIPWAC Update (Louisville, KY)
- The Ladder
- Ladyslipper Catalog
- LAMBDA Book Report
- The Lavender Letter (Louisville, KY)
- The Lesbian Connection
- The Lesbian Herstory Archives Newsletter
- The Letter (Louisville, KY)
- Man-Root
- Mattachine Review
- More Light Update (New Brunswick, NJ)
- New York Native
- News Line
- Newswest
- Nightlines Weekly
- One Magazine
- Open Hands (Washington, D.C.)
- Out
- Outlook News Weekly
- Outweek
- PFLAG Louisville Chapter Newslettler
- PI Perspective
- Prairie Flame
- Purple Roods
- Q-Notes
- Queens Quarterly
- SARJ Guide (Indianapolis, IN)
- Trois (Ft. Wayne, IN)
- TSA News
- Vector
- The Washington Blade
- The Works (Indianapolis, IN)
- XY Magazine
- Xenogeny