The University of Louisville ("UofL") enters into arrangements with various Internet service providers ("ISPs") from time to time whose policies would control the acceptable use of any and all network services provided to the UofL community. UofL also has implemented university-wide guidelines and limitations on acceptable uses of computing resources at the university, including computing accounts, resources, and remote access to intranet services. In addition, Kentucky statute defines specific crimes that might arise from certain uses of state computing resources and sets forth corresponding criminal penalties for unacceptable uses [see Appendix A].
Policy on the Use of Information Technology Resources in University Libraries. This policy governs the use of computing and information technology resources within and controlled by University Libraries (“Libraries”), including any and all resources provided by others in arrangement with the Libraries. University Libraries holds full authority to apply this Policy to determine acceptable uses of Libraries information technology resources, including applying sanctions for unacceptable uses under its authority within UofL and consistent with broader UofL IT policies and university governance. To the extent that this policy might from time to time become inconsistent with overarching UofL and ISP policies, university authorities would rely on the broader policies to determine whether a use is acceptable and appropriate in consultation with University Libraries. University Libraries reserves the right to revise this policy to reflect the dynamics of rapidly evolving technologies and changing legal conditions.
The Office of Libraries Technology ("OLT") oversees the multitude of information technology resources available to library users and the Libraries community. One of OLT’s crucial responsibilities is to ensure that such resources are widely available to the great and growing range of users within the UofL and Louisville communities.
In order to successfully maintain the integrity of network and computing resources and in order to best fulfill the University Libraries mission to "[s] erve the University and metropolitan communities in their quest for information by providing excellent resources with friendly and knowledgeable assistance," OLT holds full authority to implement and administer the Policy on the Use of Information Technology Resources in University Libraries under the direction of the University Librarian and in accordance with Libraries and university governance policies.
The Director of OLT will enjoy sole discretion to maintain the integrity and operation of IT resources in University Libraries and to investigate complaints and occurrences related to the Libraries adoption and implementation of this policy, including applying various sanctions and penalties for unacceptable uses. Such sanctions could include, but are not limited to, suspending, restricting, and denying a user access to Libraries information technology resources. OLT reserves the right to and its sole discretion will inspect, remove, and alter any file, data, and system resource(s) that potentially could or will impair or undermine the use of Libraries facilities and resources. OLT also works with the UofL IT authorities to maintain the integrity of university-wide systems and will request in some circumstance that the university limit, restrict, or deny access to all UofL IT resources. Potential criminal activities will be reported to appropriate authorities for further investigation and resolution.
Public Users of Libraries IT resources will enjoy a limited right to appeal adverse determinations made by the Director of OLT. The University Librarian, or a governance committee or structure appointed by the Dean of the University Libraries, will review such appeals. Appeals shall be informal, and procedures shall accord with applicable university policies and administrative requirements.
Other users of Libraries IT resources, such as Faculty, Staff, and like users, may enjoy other appellate opportunities governed by other UofL policies and procedures.
All users of Information Technology Resources at University Libraries are responsible for reading and understanding this policy and acknowledge the application of this policy to their activities by making use of Information Technology Resources at University Libraries. If you do not understand this policy or its application, you should contact the Office of Libraries Technology.
University Libraries makes computing and other information technology resources available primarily to serve the needs of its faculty, staff, and students in pursuing research, study, scholarship, and teaching for nonprofit, noncommercial purposes. The Libraries also are open and available to the general public to service of the needs of the Louisville and broader communities to pursue like nonprofit, noncommercial activities.
Information technology resources in University Libraries are finite and must serve a broad, diverse, and growing range of users and patrons. Members of the UofL academic community will receive highest priority in allocating IT resources in University Libraries. The Libraries reserves the right to limit uses by the general public. Such limitations might include, but would not be limited to, setting time limits on access, requiring identification and authentication for the use of certain resources, withdrawing or changing the terms of access or use of IT resources at any time and at the sole discretion of University Libraries, and applying other restrictions as necessary to best facilitate the Libraries and university mission.
[approved by ACT on 11 September 2002 and becomes effective on that date]
"Public Users" would include members of the general public, walk-in patrons in the library, students at UofL, and in the absence of prior arrangements with University Libraries, any faculty and staff of UofL not directly affiliated with or employed by the Libraries. This section of the policy applies to the use of public workstations and like facilities made available for general use within the Libraries.
Penalties will be imposed in accordance with established university policies and will depend upon the nature and severity of the violation. Any user who is found to be continually abusing the Policy or other Libraries policies may be subject to suspension from the Libraries. Certain violations also may lead to a complete suspension of the use of all UofL IT resources. The Libraries will summon Campus Security to remove anyone who is suspected of misusing computers and violating university or Libraries policies. If the violation constitutes a crime or potential crime, the matter will be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities.