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Holzer, Jenny: Home

Artists' Books
Jenny Holzer
Art Library Rare Books Collection: N7433.4.H65 A43 box 9.1

Jenny Holzer’s first ever artists book Diagrams features a collection of diagrams from many sources, primarily physics textbooks, which the artist copied in precise free-hand along with their corresponding captions. These appropriated diagrams are studies of representations of larger-than-life ideas, such as time and space. Eventually Holzer would become fascinated with the captions alone, declarative, factual statements similar to the biting aphorisms comprising the artist’s Truisms series. —

Richard Nonas ; Peter Nadin ; Michael Myers ; Reese Williams ; Jenny Holzer ; Laurie Anderson ; Theresa Hak Kyung Cha ; Michael Roddy
Art Library Rare Books Collection PS 536.2 .H68 shelf

Hotel, a collection of writing by eight artists, is a sampling of the ways artists have used words—and word-image combinations—to express their perceptions of contemporary experience.

Jenny Holzer, Peter Nadin
Art Library Rare Books Collection N 7433.4 .H65 A49 box 2.3

Collaborative artist's book by Jenny Holzer and Peter Nadin consisting of texts by Holzer and images by Nadin printed in black ink on gray paper. Texts in English with some in French and German translations. Published in conjunction with show held at Rüdiger Schöttle Munich, Germany, December 10, 1980 - January 20, 1981.

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